In 1983, Jean-Claude Paulat graduated from the Ecole Supérieure des Arts et Industrie Graphiques, the prestigious Ecole Estienne named after the renowned 16th century family of printers. Jean-Claude was preceded by the photographer Robert Doisneau and the designers Cabu and Siné; however, he preferred embossing, and his passion for this, alongside his entrepreneurial spirit, led him to promptly create SGM. The training acquired at Estienne was among the best, therefore SGM’s craft manufacturing of brass plates for cardboard and paper hot foil stamping and embossing was excellent from the very beginning.

Jean-Claude quickly saw the possibilities that emerging technologies could bring to the ancient arts. Year after year, composite materials, CNC machining, and chemical etching of copper were successively introduced. Finally, complementary processes were brought in through the merger with the VACHER Group, which is specialised in the creation of flat bed die boards and rotary dies, thermoforming moulds, and today 3D printing. Loïc Paulat and his teams continue to develop and optimise the range of techniques mastered by SGM serving beauty, elegance, and the embellishment of all forms, materials, and gold.